It’s new. It’s all the rage. Everyone is talking about #marathonaweek!! Well maybe not, since I just started it, but they could be. Let me start off by saying I’m not a super runner, I only recently started thinking of myself as a runner. I have yet to run a full marathon and have only done one half marathon to date. I really only started to truly run over the last few years. So the thought of running a marathon a week seems crazy, right?
Let me clarify. You don’t run the 26.2 miles in one day, you take the 7 days to spread it out. You could run 4 miles a day for 4 days and 5 miles a day for 2 days and take a day off, or run 13.1 miles on 2 days, or 6.55 miles on 4 days, or.. You get the idea, I could probably come up with at least 2 more combinations, but you decide how you want to do it each week. Have fun with it. I have the week start with Monday and end on Sunday, this way if you are falling behind you have the entire weekend to catch up
I started doing this over the summer by accident (most my great ideas are accidents). I was on the phone with @drsherrypagoto (my running buddy) going over our mileage for the week and she said, you know, we have ran over a marathon every week for the past 4 weeks! After that I made it a goal to continue to do it every week. I was doing well for a while but with the holidays, and the weather getting colder, people seem less motivated to stay on track and I’m no different. That’s why I loved Runners World #rwrunstreak and my (shameless plug) #loseapound. So I told Sherry we need to get back on track and do our 26.2+ a week. She agreed. We even got her sister (@ptrunningmomof4 another running buddy) to commit as well.

Have you seen, he is actually running a full 26.2 marathon a week!
ReplyDeleteWalking with Wisdom Leading My StepsMarch 13, 2012 at 9:13 AM
I love how you said "most of my great ideas are accidents" lol That is a quality of a genius! Ideas that come naturally are better than one on purpose (the ones we think too hard for).
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to inspire one who desires to run a marathon but may lack confidence in actually signing up for one; and in turn may give up on the thought all together.
A #marathonaweek sounds like a great start to work ones way up to running a marathon in one day.